MHOA Weekly Newsletter

We had a great turnout Thursday for the MHOA quarterly meeting, which included recognition of this year's Amy Naparstek Memorial Scholarship winners. 

The scholarship was established in 1996 in memory of Amy Naparstek, daughter of MHOA past-president J. David Naparstek. This award is open to MHOA members.  Funds are disbursed annually at the discretion of the scholarship committee and awarded at the spring MHOA quarterly meeting for the upcoming school year. 

Laura DelleChiaie and Stacey Lane co-chair MHOA’s Scholarship and Awards Committee, and recognized the winners, along with MHOA President Tim McDonald.

Naparstek Scholarship Winners 2024

Pictured, from left to right: Laura DelleChiaie, Stacey Lane, Ivan Kwagala, Pooja Shelke, Stephen Cobble, and Tim McDonald.

Ivan Kwagala is the Maynard Health Director. He’s pursuing a doctorate in health sciences at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and is expected to graduate in Summer 2025.

Pooja Shelke is a regional epidemiologist with Metrowest Shared Public Health Services, which includes Ashland, Framingham, Hopkinton, Hudson, Maynard, Medway, Milford, Millis and Natick. Pooja is pursuing a master’s in analytics at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology and will complete her degree this year.

Stephen Cobble is an environmental sanitarian at the Quincy Health Department and is pursuing an MPH from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He is expected to graduate in 2025.

Katie Rines is the regional public health nurse with the Great Meadows Public Health Collaborative, which includes Bedford, Carlisle, Concord, Lincoln, Sudbury, Wayland, and Weston. Katie is pursuing an MPH at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and is expected to graduate in 2026.

We wish them all the best as they continue their studies. Congratulations to our Naparstek Scholarship winners!


Sitting for the CPH exam soon?

Sitting for the CPH exam soon?

National Board of Public Health Examiners Review Sessions

Training: Nitrogen and the Effect on Onsite Wastewater Systems

Training: Nitrogen and the Effect on Onsite Wastewater Systems

Presented by the Yankee Onsite Wastewater Association

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Use the MHOA/MEHA $425 Group Rate

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June 25, 2024
1:00PM - 2:00PM

Public Health Advocacy Webinar - Save the Date

July 16, 2024
1:00PM - 2:00PM

Writing for Public Health Advocacy Webinar - Save the Date

November 13 (8:00AM) - 15 (11:30AM), 2024

MHOA Annual Conference

MassMutual Center, Springfield MA