January 19, 2024

MHOA Weekly Newsletter

The Board of Directors met Thursday, the first meeting with the newly elected leadership. Tim McDonald (Needham) is MHOA's President, Melissa Ranieri (Walpole), is Vice President, Amy Donovan-Palmer (Mansfield) is Secretary, Matt Brennan (Foxborough) is Treasurer, and Rae Dick (Westford), is Immediate Past President.  Two new members joined the Board of Directors: Shin-Yi Lao (Region 4B representative, Newton) and Natasha Waden (At-Large, Arlington). We would also like to thank outgoing Board member Marli Casilli (Quincy) for serving on the Board of Directors.

For a full list of Board members, visit our leadership page. All MHOA members are welcome to attend Board meetings, which generally take place on the 3rd Thursday each month. The next meeting will be held virtually at 10 am on Feb. 15. Contact lpacella@mhoa.com for the meeting link.

There are a few MHOA committee positions available - membership, scholarship/awards, and bylaw. Please email tkett@mhoa.com with "Committee" in the subject to express interest. If any current committee members are interested in moving around or stepping down, now is the time to let us know!

If you're looking for a new job, two Local Public Health Intensive Training Program positions are posted - an instructional designer and a training manager. They're based at the Boston University School of Public Health, and will be working on this program collaboratively with MHOA, MEHA, MAPHN, MAHB and MDPH. 

Have a great weekend!

Teresa Wood Kett, executive director